As you all know, design plays a very large role in our business. Being that Nicole comes from a design background, she makes sure that all invitations, albums, and books, are treated with a Femina design touch. And with new relationships with vendors that we met recently at WPPI, our design portion to our business will be taking off in a big way in the coming year. But anyways, below is the real reason for this post:

A few years ago during the birth of Femina Photo + Design, our friend Alina Wheeler was writing her newest book and third edition to “Designing Brand Identity” a guide to graphic designers everywhere explaining the crucial elements that contribute to designing a strong brand identity. As Alina explains it in her book “brands represent the most valuable asset a company can have” and it’s identity is the reason behind those feelings consumers have towards that company. On the cover Alina features popular favicons (the little logo icon that appears next to a website’s name). So when we found out our barely 1-year old logo, that is used as our website’s favicon, would be published on the cover of the book we were very excited to see the final product!!  Alina is currently working on another volume, which no doubt will be a staple for designers everywhere. Just a little exciting news we wanted to share!